

In philosophy and rhetoric, eristic (from Eris, the ancient Greek goddess of chaos, strife, and discord) refers to an argument that aims to successfully dispute another's argument, rather than searching for truth.


Lacking imagination, foresight, or intellectual insight.


So lacking in originality as to be obvious or boring.


The coming back, as of consequence or effect; result; return; requital.


Hence: That which contains the strength of life; the vital or essential part; concentrated force; vigor; strength; importance; as, the speech lacked pithy.


The art of investigating the truth of opinions. Inquiry into metaphysical contradictions and their solutions.


Of or pertaining to controversy; maintaining, or involving, controversy; controversial; disputative; as, a polemic discourse or essay; polemic theology.


In the philosophy of mind, qualia (singular form: quale) are defined as individual instances of subjective, conscious experience. The term qualia derives from the Latin meaning of "of what sort" or "of what kind" in a specific instance, such as "what it is like to taste a specific apple - this particular apple now."


A tendency to revert to something ancient or ancestral.


Aid; help; assitance; esp., assistance that relieves and delivers from difficulty, want, or distress.


Observed or performed to an extent not enjoined or required.


The condition of being of such a sort as distinguished from others; nature or character relatively considered, as of goods; character; rank.


Equality of weight or force; hence, equilibrium; a state in which the two ends or sides of a thing are balanced, and hence equal; state of being equally balanced; -- said of moral, political, or social interests or forces.


Capable or being adapted or molded


An admirer or lover of the fine arts: popularly, an amateur; especially, one who follows an art or a branch of knowledge, desultorily, or for amusement only.


A story or relation of fictitious events, intended to convey some moral truth; a moral fable.
An apologue differs from a parable in this: the parable is drawn from events which take place among mankind, and therefore requires probability in the narrative; the apologue is founded on supposed actions of animals or inanimate things, and therefore is not limited by strict rules of probability. Æsop's fables are examples of apologues.